Base Converter Tool
Base conversion is the process of converting numbers between different number systems. The most common bases include binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.
What is Base?
Base is a way of counting that represents how many different digit symbols can be used in each position. For example:
- Binary (Base-2): Uses 2 digits - 0 and 1
- Octal (Base-8): Uses 8 digits - 0 through 7
- Decimal (Base-10): Uses 10 digits - 0 through 9
- Hexadecimal (Base-16): Uses 16 characters - 0-9 and A-F
Why Different Bases?
- Binary is the fundamental language of computers, as circuits only have two states: on (1) and off (0)
- Octal and hexadecimal can represent binary numbers more concisely
- Decimal is the most natural counting system for humans
- Hexadecimal is widely used in programming for colors, memory addresses, etc.
How to Use
- Enter the number you want to convert in the input box
- Select the base of your input number
- Results in other bases will be calculated automatically
- Click the copy button next to any result to copy it
Common Use Cases
- Debugging and memory operations in programming
- Computer science education
- Digital system design
- Encoding and encryption